Having expert knowledge of our clients, their businesses, and the challenges that they face every day is of the utmost importance to us at Cloudfm. It’s a major part of what allows us to provide such a high quality of service.
To help foster this culture, and develop our teams’ knowledge of our clients, we hold regular ‘Lunch and Learn’ sessions for our team members across the company, from Helpdesk to Supply Chain. This week, it was the turn of BPP, a private education group specialising in vocational and professional subjects from accountancy to nursing.
The session provided the opportunity to learn about the history of BPP and its key stakeholders and, perhaps most importantly, gave an enhanced understanding of the types of buildings and critical equipment that we maintain. The session was topped off with a fun quiz to confirm the key learnings.
The outcome that we achieve through this initiative is an important one: that all Cloudfm team members gain the best possible understanding of our clients’ businesses. With this knowledge, every member of the team is equipped to help our clients meet their FM needs and strategic business objectives.