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Cloudfm raises £3,758 for Sick Kids charity

Corporate | Published 10/11/2016


Cloudfm has raised £3,758 for the Edinburgh based Sick Kids Friends foundation after holding a golf day at the Manor of Groves golf club in Hertfordshire.

Attended by Cloudfm’s staff, clients and suppliers the event was a huge success with funds raised through a raffle, supplier sponsored holes, nearest the pin and longest drive competitions.

The golf day was organised by Mick Hazell, Cloudfm’s operations manager and the money raised will go towards funding essential equipment for the Foundation which supports the work of the Royal Edinburgh Hospital for Sick Children.

leigha-marnell-bThe charity has been instrumental in helping another Cloudfm employee, Rab Marnell, when his children stayed at the hospital.

Rab comments “I’m delighted that we have raised so much money to help the charity.  They provide support which includes arts and activities, parent accommodation and equipment and this makes a huge difference. I know from personal experience that they perform an essential role and the money raised by Cloudfm will allow them to continue their good work”.

A further £500, bringing the total to £4,258, was raised during Cloudfm’s 5th birthday celebrations at a summer BBQ in Colchester.

Further information on the work of the Sick Kids Friends Foundation can be found at


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