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Cloudfm raises over £7500 for charity this festive season

Community and charity | Published 21/12/2018

We are delighted to announce that Cloudfm has raised over £7700 for charity this month, following a series of festive events.

We kick started the month with our inaugural Christmas Market, hosted at the Cloudfm Academy. The hidden talents of our employees were unveiled as market goers snapped up handmade scented candles, unique artwork, knitted toys and Christmas trinkets. Over £100 was raised for our chosen charity, Crisis. The donations will help the homeless to see a warmer, brighter Christmas this year.

An impressive £7500 was raised for Team Mila, following the annual Cloudfm Christmas staff raffle. Thanks to everyone that bought a ticket, 4-year-old Mila, who suffers from the genetic condition Cystic Fibrosis, will benefit from a life-changing respiratory vest. The vest will improve Mila’s breathing and reduce her chances of contracting respiratory infections. More than 10,400 people are born with the condition every year in the UK, with one in 25 of us unknowingly carrying the faulty gene. Find out more about Cystic Fibrosis and how it affects those diagnosed with the condition here.

The Cloudfm offices were full of festive cheer last week, as employees donned their favourite Christmas jumpers in aid of Charity. Over £110 was raised for Save the Children, with everyone’s kind donations going towards helping children from around the world to benefit from a hot meal, healthcare, education and protection. To put it into perspective, every £2 donation we received could pay for essential antibiotics to treat five children that are suffering from pneumonia. This means that at least 55 children can now be treated this Christmas from the donations that we received. Find out more about how Save the Children help to make children’s lives better,here.

A final thanks to Cloudfm’s Jen Wilson who just returned from a trip to Romania where she volunteered with St John’s Church to help with this year’s Christmas Shoebox Appeal. An incredible 750 shoeboxes were donated by local people for distribution amongst poverty-stricken children, smashing the original target of 500. On arrival at the socially disadvantaged communities of Apalina and Serbia, Jen was overwhelmed by the joyfulness of the children, who had been excitedly waiting in anticipation for many months to greet the volunteers with their gifts.

Thank you to everyone that donated to our chosen charities this year. We are extremely grateful for your generosity and we look forward to continuing our fundraising efforts next year.

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