We’re proud to announce we raised an incredible £4,296 for charity at our annual Christmas raffle. The money will be split between Sands, stillbirth and neonatal death charity and Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre – both chosen by our teams because of personal connections to them.
Sands works to support anyone affected by the death of a baby; improve the care bereaved parents receive; and create a world where fewer babies die.
Tiny Tim’s Children’s Centre, based in Coventry, provides free complementary treatments to children and young people with disabilities, health problems and special needs.
Thank you to our amazing clients, partners and suppliers who donated prizes, and to everyone that bought a raffle ticket. Without you, such a brilliant amount wouldn’t have been possible.
Pictured is one of our engineers, James Markey, and his son William, who benefits from the services at Tiny Tim’s. James said: “Words cannot express how grateful I am to Cloudfm for choosing to raise money for a charity that helps my family so much. I’d urge all companies big and small to ask employees for their input when embarking on any charity fundraising. In doing so you help those who help your staff.”