SafeContractor have verified us with a Gold standard for Sustainability as part of our SafePQQ verification.
Our credentials in Sustainability not only consist of our company policies and efforts to manage our carbon footprint, including our use of a localised supply chain, but also recognises that we are uniquely placed through our technology platforms to make a positive contribution to energy monitoring and energy management within our own business and that of our clients.
Being approved by SafeContractor demonstrates our rigorous approach to Health and Safety and compliance across the business.
Cloudfm Health and Safety Manager, Carly Hall, said on achieving the verification, “We are absolutely committed to a zero tolerance approach to Health and Safety compliance, both for our in-house teams, for our supply chain partners, and in advising our clients around best practice. It’s satisfying to achieve the recognition that SafeContractor approval and SafePQQ verification brings, but more so, it is reassuring for all of our colleagues, partners, clients and their customers, that working with Cloudfm means always doing the right thing and keeping everyone safe.”
Responding to the news, CEO Jeff Dewing commented: “Including Sustainability and the wider ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda, into our Health & Safety focus, drives real attention to detail and influences positive behavioural change with everyone connected to us.”
Read more about our award-winning technology here:
Energy management and PropTech solutions