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Cloudfm and doing the right thing

Corporate | Published 09/11/2018

Cloudfm was founded on a desire to make facilities management a better industry for everyone who works in or with it. Fundamentally that means we set out to do the right thing.

We don’t necessarily believe that we’re more enlightened than any other organisation, but our experience has shown – and our success has proven – that the right thing and the successful thing are almost always one and the same. We understand that the question of what the right thing is, is always open to argument, to debate, to interpretation. And we realise that making the right thing happen can be even more challenging than knowing what it is in the first place.

We don’t pretend we always have the answers. But we believe that it is better to try than not to try; that success will be realised more often than it is not – and that the best ethical answers we can reach will also be the best commercial answers.

This week, we’ve released a new white paper to illustrate how we arrive at the decisions we do, how we use these to guide the behaviour of those in and outside our organisation, and how that drives commercial success – for us, for our clients and for our suppliers. We hope that this will offer business leaders in our industry, and in others, a starting point for their own efforts to create better commercial and ethical outcomes.

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